Wednesday, March 3, 2010

ThreeA Dropcloth dropping soon

Artist and toy design guru Ashley Wood has a new robot design hitting retailers soon-

Monday, February 15, 2010

threeA & Ashley Wood

An online friend turned me on to an artist who should be much more famous than he currently is. Australian born Ashley Wood seems to have a fondness for sci-fi warfare, giant robots, and the beauty of the female form- subjects that find their way into his paintings, art books, and comics. Two of his brainchildren- "World War Robot" & "Popbot" have also been picked up for development into motion pictures.

I have a feeling the name Ashley Wood will soon be as integral a part of geek pop-culture as Danny Elfman, Sam Raimi, & JJ Abrahms.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

*tap-tap*... Is this thing on?

...Just checkin'.