Sunday, January 4, 2009

The New (old) Enterprise

With J.J. Abram's "re-boot" of the Star Trek film franchise rapidly approaching, the Paramount PR machine is kicking into high gear. Last week, a few hi-res photos from the film were released. Of particular interest to me is the re-imagined N.C.C. 1701, one of the most significant sci-fi icons of the past few decades. Check it out-

I was initially turned off by this design. I have to admit though; it's growing on me. Whoever designed this thing has managed to create a plausible precursor to the Constitution Class Refit Enterprise we were introduced to in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. The art-deco curves and flares on the nacelles sort of remind me of the chromed-out hot rods of the 60's. I'm still kind of put off by the protruding deflector dish, but all-in-all, I think that the 'New-Old-Enterprise' is pretty snazzy.

You can check out a larger version of this image, as well as several others, at Trekmovie.Com.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet photo! I totally agree about the hot rods. I love classic cars and the beautiful curves are most awesome. :)
